Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 1 of 24 day Challenge!

My first blog ever! Today was a relatively long day. 
I started my Advocare 24 day challenge. Handled 
all of the steps to make it happen today. It is also my 
second day swimming. I have had to take up swimming, versus 
getting on the treadmill because my ankle is still jacked up from 
twisting it this winter. My weight has not let it heal properly. 
I feel amazing in the pool. Thank God that I am not embarrassed to 
rock a bathing suit, so the process of the life guards and the people in 
the gym/pool looking at me does not impact me as much as it may
for another sister or brother with weight issues. I am the youngest 
woman in the pool, most of the other women are elders who seem 
to have suffered from surgeries to their knees, hips, and backs. 
I am really blessed to have this opportunity to reclaim my health 
and life back. Luckily, I have not been diagnosed with heart disease, 
diabetes, and all of those other deadly diseases that consume us obese folks. 

Breakfast: Shake 
snack : 20 almonds 
Lunch : Chicken Salad with avocado 
Dinner Eggplant spread, 1 boiled platano, 2 boiled eggs, salad
Click to view my 1st video! First day of my lifestyle change!
oops its sideways... next one will be better... :)

Thanks for joining me in this journey!
23days to go...
I love me and you, 

"I am glad to be alive!"- Louise Hay


  1. this is awesome sis I'm really glad that you are taking care of you!

  2. Baby steps...climb hills, then mountains...I am so happy for you sis, reclaim! Rebuild....rise sis! You will be VICTORIOUS!
