Sunday, June 16, 2013

My papi... La nena de Nenun!

Querido Papi,

Happy Papi's Day! I love you Papi! I love it that GOD picked you to be MY father. Thanks for loving my sisters, brother and I so much. Thank you for taking us to school and picking us up everyday. Thank you always being there. Thank you for teaching me that Black is Beautiful. Thank you for making sure that no matter what I respected and honored my mom, you and the elders. Thanks for teaching me that I HAD to be book and street smart and that I had to know how to speak spanish and dance salsa so that I could preserve our beautiful Boricua cultura. Thank you for praying with me and trusting me with the awesome revelations that God has given you.Thank you for always keeping it real. Your love and mami's love has been the example that I have followed and it has gotten me pretty far in this thing called life. My heart lies inside of your heart and mami's heart. I wouldn't want it any other way. God answered my prayers before I was even born... He made you and mom my parents. Thank you for being you. Thank you for never leaving us. I love you and hope the Lord blesses me with a great person like you to be my partner. Pero ya tu sabias todo esto pero como es el Dia del Father tenia que compartirlo con el mundo. Eres perfecto. Te adoro, Chabelita