Saturday, May 18, 2013


Yang n Yang


Missing this soul!



God... Keep me focused! You know exactly why I am on the path that I am on and I trust you. The devil is a liar and I rebuke him and them spirits that dwell in those dark corners. Lord, keep me on my path, keep my heart clean and temptation far. I trust this path set before me because YOU have created it. Lord, I am here to serve. Continue to show me the way. Expose those who are dark spirited and only want to suck and drain me of my energy. On this journey make me bold and compassionate, disciplined and humble. I trust ....I faith is in YOU! #everythingthatglittersaintgold

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A new day by choice.

Today I am clear. Today I have control over my mind. Today I am in charge of my destiny. Today I choose to be love, life, laughter, health, joy, respect and fierce spirituality. Today I trust in myself more than ever before. I know my worth and am not in fear of what others may think about me. Today I do things the way that I want to because I have made that choice. Today I am my own kinda freedom. From today on, I will be my biggest fan. Today is a new day! ♥ I am love.


I am totally trusting the Universe. Thank you God for another day. In my own lane and on Gods time. My purpose and walk in this lifetime is my responsibility. What I choose to worship, praise and spend time on is ultimately on me. When we stop worrying about what other people are doing to fulfill their purpose maybe our path will become clearer and more powerful. Stay in your own lane. Competition is for lames. #aspire #focus #forwardthinking #selfworth #riseup #itsonYOU — feeling awesome.